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October Recap: Child Health Day and Harvest for Hope

Child Health Day

Child Health Day is a national day of observance, and occurs each year on the first Monday in October. This day recognizes the care and guidance children need to grow strong and healthy and raises awareness for these needs. Each child deserves to be the healthiest they can be. Parents often worry about chronic disease, accidents or childhood illnesses all while trying to support their child’s mental health and general health. Whether it’s their environment, the food they eat or how much TV they watch, this day is an excellent opportunity to support the children in your life.

This year, we celebrated on October 2nd with a day full of games and activities out on Landis Green to engage not only our members, but the FSU campus community. We aimed to spread awareness across campus and being present within the community helped us achieve this goal.

Harvest for Hope

Harvest for Hope took place from September 26th - 28th this year. This event was the first in person fundraising push of Year 29, and we had so much fun. This year we set a goal for our internal and external teams to complete 5 out of 6 challenges during the push. These included: Attend the Miracle Market, Write a letter to your miracle family, Create a Donor Drive or Facebook Fundraiser, Use the 145 ways to fundraise document, Raise $50, and Attend the Catalina Cafe Share-It.

We wrapped up October with the fall event, Miracle Market. This is our annual fall event on Langford Green with so many fun activities from food to games to vendors. This year, Picked, Spark’d, and On The Edge joined us to create the perfect night. They accompanied a series of games including cookie decorating, a cake walk, tye-dye, and even face painting. This year, we had a special event, Moraleoween, hosted by the wonderful Morale team. They held a trunk-or-treat event leading up to Miracle Market with tons of decorations and candy!

Overall, October was a huge success and you all are the ones we can thank for that. Our fundraising initiatives and our events could not be a success without all of your participation. Thank you for continuing to show up and be so dedicated to this organization. We cannot wait to see what November has in store.



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