A Look into Gadsden County School Clinics
As we approach our Year 28 marathon, we wanted to highlight one of our beneficiaries through the FSU College of Medicine Pediatric Outreach Program, the Gadsden County School Clinics. The partnership between the FSU College of Medicine has been working with Gadsden County School Clinics since 2006. The clinics provide healthcare services to low income students within the Gadsden County School District. These health centers benefit over 2,000 students, improving the overall health status of the school-aged population.
Dance Marathon at FSU is proud to work with the FSU College of Medicine Pediatric Outreach Program to provide services to students in Gadsden County. From Dance Marathon funds, the Gadsden County School Clinics are able to see students for day-to-day visits, provide sports physicals, as well as physicals for the Special Olympics program. Other services performed by the health centers include preventive services, chronic disease management, behavioral health assessments, and focused health education programs that address the determinants of health.
Gadsden School-Based Health Center pairs with Panhandle Area Education Consortium and conducts a Migrant Summer School program for children in the area. Money raised through Dance Marathon goes towards purchases of eyeglasses and medication for children and funds the migrant daycare program babies and toddlers. The PAEC program and the FSU College of Medicine have a similar mission of providing improved and increased care for disadvantaged populations in Gadsden County. We want to thank donors and fundraisers for their continued support that makes these wonderful and impactful programs possible.