The Spirit of Shands

While most of us spend the holidays in the comfort of our homes, some of our miracle children are still continuing their hard fought battles. This holiday season, DM at FSU seeks to evoke the Spirit of Shands and continue fighting for those who can’t.
Between December 27th and January 5th, all participants who raise $100 will receive an invitation to UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital for an exclusive tour and park day with our miracle families.
Wondering how to maximize fundraising during the holiday season? Here are some of our most effective tips:
1. Incentivize
Dye your hair, jump in the fountains, or do something silly every time you hit a goal with donations. "Last year, when I hit my fundraising goal, I ran a lap around Cascades park in an avocado costume and said 'Hi!' to every person I passed." says Taylor Williams, a 2019 Membership Coordinator.
2. FTKab
Offer to drive friends and family around for donations.
3. Babysit
Utilize being home for the holidays to help out family, friends, and neighbors by babysitting.
4. Garage sale
Overloaded after receiving presents from the holiday season? Consider selling some at a garage sale!
5. Closet cleaning
Clean out your closet and make a difference; sell your well-loved clothing to consignment stores and donate the money you get in return!
6. Tutor
Know any friends or family struggling with school? Offer to tutor for a donation!
7. Dog walk/pet sit
Playing with some of the cutest pets while making more miracles? Yes please!
8. Yard clean up
Help out some neighbors by offering to tidy up their yards For the Kids.
9. Holiday bake sale
Let’s face it, sweet treats are always a weakness. Bake a batch of brownies, cookies, or whatever else your sweet tooth is craving and give them out for donations!
10. Give back!
It is the season of giving, after all. Considering donating some of the money you’ve received for the holidays to a friend’s fundraising account!
Follow DM at FSU’s social media accounts to join us in keeping track of our progress to our combined goal of $60,000; every $6,000 raised decorates a floor of our Shands Gingerbread House.
With the holidays comes the season of giving. This year, DM at FSU encourages all of its participants to celebrate this season by reveling in the Spirit of Shands, For the Kids.