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Making Marshal's Statement

On November 13th, 2018, Dance Marathon at FSU set out to make its largest Statement yet-- $335,000 in 26.2 hours. And our Statement was heard.

$364,815.46 raised in 26.2 hours in honor of our miracle children, in honor of Hitting That Gong, and in honor of Marshal.

Over 3,640 gong hits and over 300,000 miracles.

From 9 A.M. on Tuesday to 11:12 A.M. on Wednesday, our community fought relentlessly For the Kids, vowing to make their mission for Marshal in just a little over one day. Dance Marathon at FSU would like to highlight the following top fundraisers and top fundraising team for their efforts:

Selby Proctor, Team Kayla 1 Delegate

Asya Owens, Alumni

Kristen Selbach, Operations Captain

Claude Macari, Team Fletcher 2

Team Powie 1

DM at FSU also sends congratulations to the 118 fundraisers who reached Comma Club during Marshal’s Statement!

As the first Statement named in honor of a miracle child, Marshal’s Statement has transcended countless boundaries.

“To have the entire statement itself renamed and focused on the life of my son is more than I could ever have imagined. At first it was overwhelming, but I soon came to see for myself the far reaching impact of Marshal’s life and legacy,” says Betsy Fisher, mom of Marshal Fisher. “It affirmed for me the importance of telling his story and drawing from it to inspire others to keep helping our kids.”

Moving forward, Dance Marathon at FSU seeks to keep letting our Statements be heard, to keep standing up for those who can’t, and to keep fighting for each and every miracle child.

“I can only see a very bright way forward for DM at FSU. There is unique and compassionate leadership that is proof that the future of DM is truly For The Kids.”

Everyday, we continue to break the mold and surpass the unthinkable. With your help, we can vow to #BeTheNext.

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