Meet the Finance Team
Now that we’ve hit the ground running with Dance Marathon 2019, let’s meet some of the people that help make the miracles happen. First up: the Finance Team!

What is your position in Dance Marathon 2019?
As the Finance Director, I oversee the Fundraising, Finance, Merchandise, and High School Programs teams. I handle all finance-related initiatives of the organization, work in a collaborative manner to foster the financial success of the organization, and work with my teams to bring DM at FSU to new financial heights by providing tools and knowledge to help them succeed. Sometimes I help my team brainstorm new fundraising initiatives and potential new merchandise, and help execute our seven+ mini-marathons. It isn't just about counting money! Finance is quite fun!
What is your favorite DM memory?
DM is an experience that truly has made Florida State feel like home for me. It has shown me the personal impact I can make, and importantly, the impact we can make as a collective community on the lives of thousands. My favorite memory would be the end of my first shift when I was an Operations Captain for DM 2017. It was my first DM and all I remember how emotional I felt when they revealed our final total. My feet were absolutely aching after standing for 20+ hours, but it did not matter. It was then when I realized the impact we all have, regardless of background, status, or position and how meaningful it is to get involved. It was a life-changing experience!
What is your goal/what do you hope to gain from DM this year?
I plan to continue and encourage the transition of making Finance more focused on data management and analysis. One of these goals among many includes working with the entire Executive Board to recognize trends in fundraising while giving each participant a more unique and exciting fundraising experience and encouraging and fostering growth. Personally, I hope to grow myself as a leader and continue to grow my passion and love for this organization!
If you had one piece of advice for anyone looking to get involved with DM, what would it be?
Before I transferred to FSU, the university I transferred from had a Dance Marathon program, however, I never got involved. It was a major regret of mine. As cliche and corny as it may sound, it's the absolute truth - Dance Marathon is life-changing - for our families, the kids, and for each person involved in this movement. I would not be the same person I am today if it were not for Dance Marathon, and I encourage everyone who is looking to get involved or hesitant about it to take the first step. We have so many ways to be involved and I encourage everyone to find their 'Why'. I was so nervous to attend the Captains Meet & Greet that was held in that Fall, but I am so happy I took the first step and said 'yes'.

What is your position in Dance Marathon 2019?
This year I'm serving as the High School Programs Chair for DM at FSU. My coordinators and I work hand in hand with Tallahassee's local high schools to help them put on and facilitate their own Dance Marathons! Each school fundraises and has events throughout the year. Their continuous efforts build up for their own 4-6 hour marathons that take place during the weekends that lead up to Dance Marathon at Florida State. This will be my third year working with Tallahassee's high schoolers. Watching these kids put on such spectacular events year after year helps serve as a reminder that what we're doing within Dance Marathon truly isn't limited to our four years in college; it has the potential to build passions that last a lifetime.
What is your favorite DM memory?
I don't know if I can pick just one if we're being honest. For the last two years, every weekend in the spring I've gotten to witness Tallahassee's high schoolers put on incredible events and absolutely crush their fundraising goals. Watching them accomplish everything they've worked towards week in and week out, those are my favorite memories.
What is your goal/what do you hope to gain from DM this year?
This year I'm hoping that we can improve the overall dancer experience at their marathons. We want each year to be better than the last, so we're also hoping to surpass their overall fundraising total from the previous year as well. I know this year is going to be amazing, I still can't believe I get to play a role in all of that again.
If you had one piece of advice for anyone looking to get involved with DM, what would it be?
It is never, nevvvvver too early to get involved. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky" -Michael Scott

What is your position in Dance Marathon 2019?
This year I am the Merchandise Chair for DM 2019. My team and I will be working on different designs and products to help promote our message and brand to the Tallahassee community and beyond. My goal for merchandise this year is to ensure that every piece of clothing, or item has meaning to our students and that it’s something that will give them memories of this organization and the difference they have made for years to come.
What is your favorite DM memory?
My favorite memory from DM would be Statement reveal last year in 2017. After all the diversity and changes our school community had made, we still defeated all odds and showed how we could overcome the impossible. That day alone with fundraising and the goals I had set for myself, showed me that Dance Marathon has been the backbone of my college experience and something that will never go away due to the positivity and change it brings to so many others, and the impact that we can make on a campus. The numbers that showed not only showed the change that we could make across Children’s Miracle Network and the College of Medicine, but the change we could on our campus and the students.
What is your goal/what do you hope to gain from DM this year?
With it being my senior year my goal is to embrace everything and make the most of it. This organization and changed my perception on many things, and has become a vital role in my college experience. I hope to help pave the way for success in my role as merchandise chair and allow growth for future years, and leave knowing I have done the most that I could for the families and their kids, as well as this organization.
If you had one piece of advice for anyone looking to get involved with DM, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid to try new things and get involved! Through the year we have so many events and leadership positions that you can jump into and try out, and see if this movement is something that aligns with you. The people in this organization are welcoming, and will help guide you to do or be whatever you want! Apply to be an InspiratioNOLE or a Captain, be a dancer, and go to events on Landis and get to know our why and what we do for this community and the kids!

What is your position in Dance Marathon 2019?
I am the Fundraising Chair for DMFSU 2019. I make sure that all registered fundraisers have the tools they need to hit their personal fundraising goals! This includes but is not limited to; helping fundraisers send emails and letters, post statuses, and come up with creative ways to fundraise For The Kids. I am also in charge of creating incentives to encourage fundraisers to keep fundraising.
What is your favorite DM memory?
My favorite DM memory was when I hit comma club for the first time. It was Florida Statement-- November 16, 2017 and I was sitting in my apartment with my roommate who was also involved in Dance Marathon. I was a sophomore and a fundraising captain and by the day of statement I had already fundraised more than I had my first year. I remember being so close to comma club. I started to binge eat an entire gallon of ice cream because I was so stressed out waiting to see if I would hit $1,000 by the end of the night. Then I got the notification from DonorDrive that I had raised $1,000 for Children’s Miracle Network and FSU’s College of Medicine Outreach Programs and I started screaming, then I cried, and then my roommate and I danced around our apartment for awhile. It really showed me that anything was possible if you set your mind to it and it made me so excited to keep fundraising.
What is your goal/what do you hope to gain from DM this year?
My main goal for DMFSU 2019 is to make the best of every moment I get with this organization. When I graduate this spring, I want to know that I did everything For The Kids and for this organization that I could.
If you had one piece of advice for anyone looking to get involved with DM, what would it be?
If you are even slightly considering getting involved with DM then you should just go for it. My freshman year of college I had no understanding of what Dance Marathon was, I only fundraised and participated because all of my friends were doing it. 3 years later DM at FSU has given me my best friends, my best memories, and a place where I can be a part of something bigger than myself. If you had told me my freshman year of college that I would be on the executive board of the largest student run philanthropy on campus I would have never believed you, but Dance Marathon has given me the confidence I need to become a leader working towards raising awareness for a cause that has become close to my heart.

What is your position in Dance Marathon 2019?
I am the Finance Chair for Dance Marathon at Florida State University 2019. I am in charge of all the money we see coming in from donations. My CORE Team and I also work closely with Fundraising, Membership, and High School Programs to make sure everyone and everything is on track from the financial standpoint.
What is your favorite DM memory?
My favorite DM memory would be seeing the reveal last year at the marathon. 2018 was different from all of the other years because this was the first time I had held an internal position in Dance Marathon. It felt so awesome to really put in a year's worth of work to the organization and see the payoff in the end.
What is your goal/what do you hope to gain from DM this year?
This year, I am super excited to be apart of the Finance Branch. I cannot wait to reach our goals for this year by looking at the data and analytics to pick out trends in our fundraising patterns. This will allow us to try new and fresh ideas to get everyone just as excited as I am for this year!
If you had one piece of advice for anyone looking to get involved with DM, what would it be?
Some advice I have for anyone interested in DM if you've never done it before, absolutely do it. It's such an amazing experience. If you enjoy it, then I would say get involved internally. We are a big family and I have met so many amazing people. We always need passionate people who can bring new ideas to the table to help DMFSU grow!
If you're interested in joining the Finance Team, keep an eye out on our social media pages for captain applications opening soon! For any questions, please contact Tirzha Herman at